This week I am spending the week in Ocean City, MD. For about 20 years my in-laws have rented a condo right on the beach from a very good friend of mine. Each year they would invite family memberss to come and go and fill up the condo during the week.
This year, because of my mother-in-laws cancer diagnosis and up coming surgery they asked me if I wanted it for the week. At first I didn't want to go but then decided it would be a great way to get away from the house for a week of mind clearing!
Alex and Tyler stayed home until Tuesday night because she had to work. So Michael and I went out on our own last Saturday. It was just the 2 of us for 3 days. We went out for dinner, breakfast, to the beach, and even caught a movie. Tuesday we did the all day mini golf too. This is the course the Chris would take them when we would come down before.
Alex and her boyfriend, Cory, came out with Tyler on Tuesday evening. Wednesday we went out and got a 1/2 bushel of crabs for her 21st birthday which we celebrated a day earlier.
Today is her birthday and an era of having a little girl is now over. Hard to believe, but I guess I have to accept the fact that my little girl is all grown up...
Monday my good friend Danny and his wife came down and we spent the entire day out on the beach with our friends Jim and Maria who were also down here. The weather was spectacular and we spent the whole day just relaxing and partaking in beverage on the beach.

Of course being here has brought back many, many good memories of Chrissy and our times that we spent here. Today the kids went to the Kite Factory and tried on funny hats, just like they did 2 months before she died. We also ate dinner at Bull on the Beach which was always a favorite place to go.
Something also happened which I am still trying to work out. I've worn a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on my right wrist ever since Chris was diagnosed in Aug 2004. Just under 5 years this has never left my arm. Today I was simply giving it a little stretch and it broke. I know that I could not wear it forever and was planning on taking it off on the 2 year anniversary of her death. This was obviously not meant to be. I'm a little bummed but at the same time it perhaps is a sign for me to keep moving on... wish there was a way to figure all this out.
Coming home on Saturday...