This is Michael's class picture from St. Johns. Got his 1st report card last week and am happy to say all is going splendidly... Great grades, great attitude and no complaints from anyone!
He went to his first lacrosse practice last Sunday. An awakening since he had not done much in 6 months. He's out of shape. Skills are good but he just needs to run more.
I've been actively playing basketball again for about a month at the YMCA and must say that is getting me in shape again for sure. I always get to cover the 6'8" big guy that played in college! We have fun and I don't have any problem running full court for over an hour Mon Wed and Fri.
Last week I had the day off on for Veteren's day. I was lucky enough to be able to spend the entire day, well 9-3 with Heather. We had lunch and did a little shopping together. It was really nice. Things are very, very good between us and for the first time in a couple years I'm looking forward to the holidays and being able to spend it with someone special.
Next week is Thanksgiving and the boys, Alex and I will be going to Deep Creek Lake, MD again. This year we are only spending 2 nights there in order to give Alex some more time at home. She has not been home in awhile and could use the down time. She will also get a chance to finally meet Heather as well. We're hoping to go out to dinner and get the 2 of them to know one another!