He went to his first lacrosse practice last Sunday. An awakening since he had not done much in 6 months. He's out of shape. Skills are good but he just needs to run more.
I've been actively playing basketball again for about a month at the YMCA and must say that is getting me in shape again for sure. I always get to cover the 6'8" big guy that played in college! We have fun and I don't have any problem running full court for over an hour Mon Wed and Fri.
Last week I had the day off on for Veteren's day. I was lucky enough to be able to spend the entire day, well 9-3 with Heather. We had lunch and did a little shopping together. It was really nice. Things are very, very good between us and for the first time in a couple years I'm looking forward to the holidays and being able to spend it with someone special.
Next week is Thanksgiving and the boys, Alex and I will be going to Deep Creek Lake, MD again. This year we are only spending 2 nights there in order to give Alex some more time at home. She has not been home in awhile and could use the down time. She will also get a chance to finally meet Heather as well. We're hoping to go out to dinner and get the 2 of them to know one another!