Well at the end of May Tyler was able to celebrate the next step in his life and that was his high school graduation. It was very bitter sweet as any parent will attest to. Great to see him mature and move on but yet sad to see him mature and move on.

Heather's son Nicholas also graduated with Tyler as well so we made it a big family event. We all went out to dinner before the event up in Emmitsburg at the
Carriage House Inn. Great food and perfect location. Only a couple miles to Mount Saint Mary's where they held the graduation. Tyler's grandparents, along with Alex and her boyfriend Cory came, and Nick's Aunt and Uncle attended along with his sisters. We had a nice evening albeit very crowded in the field house and very hot.

Our new house is well on it's way. In only about 4 weeks we went from a hole in the ground to now they are putting the siding up and the drywall is already in! Very exciting for all of us. To say that we all cannot wait is just an understatement. Rooms are up, cabinets and granite and tile is coming next.

The view out the back is spectacular. We see corn and lots of it! I keep joking that we'll make a corn maze this fall for halloween! We'll charge a small fee of course to help pay the mortgage that month! :)
Kitchen and Morning room |
Our houses are under contract and ready to close. Just waiting for the keys on the new one. Lot's to start packing and throwing out still but that's an ongoing work in progress.
As you know writing for my blog has been a tad bit difficult the last couple of months. I apologize for that but have been very busy with work, moving, my mom, etc. My mom was diagnosed about a month ago with Stage IV ovarian Cancer. She started chemo last week and has not tolerated it very well. She's 80 years old and quite frail to say the least. I flew out to Indiana last week and spent several days with her. Very tough as she was suffering from the side effects of her first treatment. Keep her in you prayers if you would.
We'll have a black tin roof over the porch and garage. |