Three times for the cure!
Thanks for visiting my Avon Walk page. I’ve committed to participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. This will be my third year walking for the cure. I will be walking in honor of my friend Chris DeWitt who died of Breast Cancer on 9/11/2007 after a long 3 year battle.
The 2 day walk is a big commitment, but breast cancer is a big disease, one that still affects far too many people. I’ll be just one of thousands of people that will walk up to a marathon and a half over a weekend, raising awareness of the cause and educating even more people.
But, I can’t do it without your help. You may know someone who is currently fighting the battle with breast cancer, someone who has beaten it or unfortunately you may know someone who died from the disease. You can help make the biggest difference by making a donation.
Although I’m required to raise at least $1,800 in donations to participate in the 2 day walk, I plan to raise as much money as I can with your help. The money I raise will be managed and disbursed by the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade to help provide access to care for those that most need it, fund educational programs, and accelerate research into new treatments and potential cures.
Please help me reach my goal and make a difference to many lives in the Washington DC area.
We can beat this disease - together.
As I prepare for this exciting event, I plan to update this page frequently so that all my supporters can follow my progress, so please visit often. While you're here, you might want to spend some time on the site to find out more information on why this event is so important, and the organizations and people that will be helped by the money we all raise.
Thank you