Well after 80" of snow this season I was ready to get out. The boys have been out of school since February 5th!!! We have been buried and have about 40" on the ground. It's not melting at all and the kids cannot get to school.
Finally today Michael went to St. Johns and Tyler goes in tomorrow, albeit 2 hours later.
I am currently in Biloxi, Mississippi. I get to add another state to those that I've visited. Very pretty down here but they were wiped off the map by Katrina before. The hotel I am in, the Beau Rivage, was totally wiped out, as was the new Hard Rock hotel next door. Both are open and doing well. I'm here for a small trade show and hoping to drum up some business.
Getting here is not the hard part. The hardest part is not being at home to make sure that the boys are where they need to be when they need to be! I had to find rides for Michael to school from his Uncle Ken who works right down the street from St. Johns. My girlfriend Heather was able to pick him up each day and bring him home. This was made even trickier as he now stays late for Lacrosse practice! She has been a great help to me in situations like this and has made this trip so much easier to make than the ones I've done in the past. Our good friends on our street are also looking out for them too, but this time the boys stepped up and stayed at home for 2 nights alone. Not a big deal but definitely something we had to work out.

Busy week this week for sure with all the travel. This Friday is my birthday, and Saturday Heather and I are going to the John Mayer concert in DC. I bought her tickets for Christmas and she's taking me out to dinner for my birthday beforehand. Should be a good time!