Sunday was Michael's 13th birthday. It was a special birthday being turning 13 for him. One of my neighbor's offered his ticket to the Ravens vs. Redskins football game that day to me as he and his wife were out of town. I said sure and took Michael for his birthday as he's a big Redskin fan, just like his mom. The only problem was that the temperature was only 24 degrees at gametime which was changed by the NFL to an 8pm game!!!!! It was cold, but we survived it okay. It was a pretty good game even though the Ravens won.

Saturday we were invited to a neighborhood Christmas party. We had all intentions of going but earlier in the day I was out running some errands and went by the cemetery. I put a Christmas wreath on a wire stand and placed it on Chris's grave. It really hit me hard and put me in a "funk". I couldn't get myself motivated to go out and be with people so we just stayed home and the boys and I watched a movie together. The holidays are really tougher this year than they were last year. Not sure why. They just are. Even my mother-in-law said the same thing.