This picture was taken a few years back in Deep Creek. Alex was hamming it up once again!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ice Storm
My sister lives in Kentucky and she just sent me some pictures of the nasty ice storm that they just got. I thought I’d share them with you. We got a good coating here where I live but nothing like that. Of course schools were cancelled for 2 days and 2 hours delayed today!!! Having to deal with the boys home all day is getting on my nerves!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tyler goes snowboarding
Nothing really happening
Hi. Just wanted to check in and let you know that not much is happening and hence not much to post. I did just set up my blog so that I can email my postings to it. That may make it a little easier to post to.
It's snowing here today. So of course schools are closed. The boys are out and about.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Purple Star
Sunday, January 18, 2009
HEADstrong Foundation

The have taken their tragedy and are turning it into a positive fund-raising experience. I spoke with her for about 15 minutes and you could tell how emotional she was about her son and the foundation. Michael was with me and I told her about how our lives too were turned upside down from cancer, and that our very close friends had also lost their young son to a similar disease. After we were done speaking I took the pink-ribbon pin that I wore in my jacket and gave it to her. She immediately put it on. Today I received an email from her. I include it here:
It meant so much to me that you took that pin off and gave it to me. My son Michael and I talked about you on the way home. I plan to wear the pin anytime I speak and at our events. Because of your wife and my son, we met and I feel we connected. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I can so relate and my prayers are with you.
On behalf of my Nick, thank you for helping us do our part to conquer the beast that took both of our loved ones.
Cheryl Colleluori
This link will play an ESPN news cast that highlights the young man and the foundation as well.Saturday, January 17, 2009
Day in Baltimore

So that left today open. Michael and I got up early and went into Baltimore. The US Lacrosse convention is going on so we decided to go. Our first stop was The Blue Moon Cafe down by Fells Point. This place was featured on the show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. It certainly fits the bill of a dive! They are famous for their french toast made with Cap'n Crunch. We didn't have that but the cinnamon rolls and everything else was just amazing! The place only has 9 tables and is very old on the inside. They make up for it.
After breakfast we staggered back to the car and drove over to the convention center where the lax conference was being held. Along the way several streets were blocked off as Obama was stopping in town for a speech. We avoided the congestion and found a parking garage across the street from convention center.
When we got there we saw Alex's old lacrosse coach from Lycoming, Kara Reber. She's at St. Mary's in MD now and was there for the show. We chatted for a good while and then went on it. There was everything and anything lacrosse going on. I picked up a lot of good contacts and a lot of good information for the Spires Lacrosse Club which I'm currently President of. I also saw several old lacrosse coaches and friends of Chris and I that we made while Alex was playing club lax in high school.
We finally got home later that afternoon and are now sitting down for a move and popcorn. Another exciting Saturday night! Not all that bad though, some bonding time.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Pool Championship

I enjoy it a lot. It used to be a great way to take my mind off of things and relieve some of the stress that was weighing heavy on me.
After Chris died I've found it very, very hard to go. Mainly because that means that I have to leave the boys home alone for upwards of 4 hours on a school night. They never mind and sometimes I can shoot early and come home early.
This session (12-weeks) our team finished good enough to make the playoffs in our hall. We played last week and won our semi-final game and played last night. It was a tough team but we managed to beat them 3 matches to 1 in the best of 5 series. I played and won my match as did my 70+ year old father in law and my brother in law Ken. Winning means that we move on to a much bigger venue at a very large pool hall in Baltimore on February 7th.
Winning a pool match is never a really big deal. But for some reason last night really meant more than just a win. Maybe it was just nice to see something go my way for a change.

Friday, January 9, 2009
New Webcam
The new webcam is in the Family Room. This webcam is just like the other but also has SOUND! In order to hear the sound you need to use Internet Explorer (Firefox users see below). The 1st time it will prompt you to install an ActiveX control. Just say yes and you'll be listening away!
The link to the Family room camera is:
The link to the Basement is:
The link to see both is:
From each you can click on the "Multi" tab at the top and see both at once or move from one to another. Let me know if you have any issues or comments....
Enjoy creepers!
**** Update ****
To hear in Firefox you need to install the following extension:
You can then change the rendering of the tab you use to simulate Internet Explorer. Works like a champ.