The have taken their tragedy and are turning it into a positive fund-raising experience. I spoke with her for about 15 minutes and you could tell how emotional she was about her son and the foundation. Michael was with me and I told her about how our lives too were turned upside down from cancer, and that our very close friends had also lost their young son to a similar disease. After we were done speaking I took the pink-ribbon pin that I wore in my jacket and gave it to her. She immediately put it on. Today I received an email from her. I include it here:
It meant so much to me that you took that pin off and gave it to me. My son Michael and I talked about you on the way home. I plan to wear the pin anytime I speak and at our events. Because of your wife and my son, we met and I feel we connected. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I can so relate and my prayers are with you.
On behalf of my Nick, thank you for helping us do our part to conquer the beast that took both of our loved ones.
Cheryl Colleluori
This link will play an ESPN news cast that highlights the young man and the foundation as well.