After a long and sometimes agonizing decision process on my part, Michael and I have decided that he will spend his high school career at St. John's Catholic Prep located here in Frederick.
This started back in October with an open house visit along with several interviews, and financial aid packets. It was a long process. We got the acceptance letter in February and had a month to decide if he was going to go AND be eligible for a scholarship. He and I talked alone at dinner on Sunday and we both felt that this would be a great opportunity for him. Class size is approximately 12-18 per class. Some as low as 5 or so depending on the class.
There are many, many positives that are too numerous to list and only a few drawbacks. The number 1 being I have to take him to school each day... I work from home so hopefully it won't be too bad, but as I told him, we do this together and I as well as he must work hard to ensure his success.
I know for a fact that Chris wanted this for him. This was something that we had talked about before and it is my duty to carry her desires forward as I continue on this single-parenting role!
Wish us luck!!