This Holiday season I was actually looking forward to the coming holiday. That last several years I actually dreaded the entire season. This year, with my new-found friendship with Heather, I was excitedly looking forward to having a good Christmas this year. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!
One of the days the week before Christmas I took the day off of work and Heather and I spent the entire day together going to a big mall and looking for some last minute presents. We took in the decorations and the music and I actually enjoyed shopping for the first time ever!
On Christmas eve Alex, Tyler, Michael and I along with Heather and her children went to Mass at St. Johns church in downtown Frederick together. We went to the 4pm mass and although it was very full we were able to sit together. After mass we went back to Heather's house and had a traditional Italian Christmas eve dinner of homemade Italian sub sandwiches. The kids all sat around and chatted and we enjoyed our company greatly.
Christmas morning the kids and I opened our presents along with Chloe. Mid-morning we drove over to Heather's and had a very large and very wonderful Christmas morning breakfast together. We all pitched in and helped and it was a wonderful time together! I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to celebrate the holiday with our new friends!
Late Christmas afternoon we came home and checked on my Turkey that was cooking in a plastic bag in the oven! My In-laws along with Chris's sisters and brothers were all invited over to spend the even together. They all came over around 4. Also, Heather and her kids came over and met all my inlaws that were here too. We all got along splendidly and had a wonderful dinner and gift game. Heather and I were just thrilled to be able to spend the entire day together along with our families.
On a side note.... I will add that I have been playing basketball regularly 3 times a week at the YMCA as well as working out as well. During that time I have been able to lose about 18 pounds and I cannot tell you how much better I am feeling physically! It's been great and as long as I don't get HURT I should keep on the downward path. I actually had to buy some new clothes as my old pants were too big. I also am wearing dress slacks that have been put away for 5 years!!!!
There are some additional pictures from the holiday on my picasa page and they can be found <HERE>
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