The boys and I went up late on Saturday to spend the night there. They went out to a movie and I went to a local establishment with Alex and thousands of other students! We had fun and it was a nice chance to see all her friends before graduation.
The weather was cold but they held the event outside on the quad anyhow. I was glad they did. It was a very nice ceremony. They open the gates at the top of the quad one time a year for commencement and all the grads walk through and down the stairs. The stairs are marked with memorial bricks and of course Alex walked right over the brick that the Lacrosse Team purchased in honor of her mother a couple of years ago. Alex's grandparents and aunt attended as well and we had a nice brunch in the cafeteria beforehand. We then went out to see the brick before the start of graduation and well it was not too easy for me. It was a very emotional day to begin with and that made it even harder.
I cried like a baby when I dropped Alex off for her first day of college 4 years. It hit me hard. This time the tears were more of joy and excitement for her and her new found future! She is home now and has secured a job working for her favorite football team, the redskins. The commute is hard but she is working hard and making the best. She'll continue to look for opportunities should they present themselves, but for now she's a working woman.
Congrats Allie!