Easter was nice. Alex was home and we went to 9am Mass with the boys. After that we went over to spend some time at my in-laws house. We even did a mini-egg hunt in the back yard! It was a nice day.
I've been feeling okay so that made it even better. I found out the results of my MRI on Friday and it was NORMAL>>> Ugh. Now what? I have to make an appointment with the gastroenterologist for sometime this week and we'll go from there.
Alex went back to school late yesterday. I had to take her up to Gettysburg where she met up with a teammate and they went back from there. I was thankful that I did not have to drive all the way up to Lyco on Easter Sunday ... again. I did it before and it's a long drive for just a drop off.
This week I am off to Philadelphia for 2 nights to attend a conference / trade-show for work. It's pretty important that I be there and it's not too far from home. The boys are on auto-pilot (long leash) but will be sleeping at our friends down the street.
Oh yeah, Saturday we drove over to our friends in Annapolis and visited for a few hours. It was really nice to get all of us out of the house. The picture shows Matty's new pets. Of course now Alex wants one!
More on me later...