Tyler is spending the weekend in Ocean City, MD at a retreat for church. He's been pretty active in church and is preparing to lead a confirmation retreat in January. It's a lot of work and he's been really involved.
Michael is at a neighbors house tonight for a birthday party. I walked him over and and on the way over he said "I bet you like it when Ty and I are both gone, you get some peace and quiet." Not really, in fact as I explained to him, I hate it when no ones home. It's the worst thing that happens to me. I deal with it, but still stinks. I work from home all day alone and that is no problem. That's what I do. Being alone in the evenings or weekends is NOT what I do and that's what I need to work on.
The picture you see is a picture that was taken of Chrissy and I in August 1984 right after I met her. She's had this picture on her desk since then. It's been in the living room and I just wet and got a new mat and frame for it. It's funny what time will do to you!
Next week is Thanksgiving. Another holiday that we are all trying to cope with. Each of the kids came to me and asked if we could go back to deep creek lake again. So I made a reservation and we'll be heading out next Wed through Saturday. Hopefully, it will help us to move ahead.